To perform sport on a top level is a fantastic but expensive activity and “almost” impossible without people and / or companies that love the dressage sport and are willing to support Dressage Coaching Inge Coenen.
Dressage Coaching Inge Coenen is a young company with a professional appearance and a well-known name in the regional and national dressage sport. We continuously strive for the highest / best possible. However to achieve this, we need support. Therefore it’s possible to connect your personal and / or brand name to Dressage Coaching Inge Coenen.
Please contact us, to find out the possibilities in a personal conversation.
We are extremely grateful to our sponsors for their trust and support!
Ruitersport Equidrôme is an equestrian shop in Venlo, which has an extensive range of equestrian articles its riders and horses. Inge is very proud to be selected as an ambassador for Equidrome. The ambition and professionalism which Charlotte and her team show, fits exactly to the approach that we want to present ourselves.
KLIK! Photography – Guido van Herten for photography of various disciplines: Horse or horse Rider (m/w), portrait photography, action / incident photography but also other activities like weddings. Guido has taken several pictures which we used at our website and therefor contributed to the appearance and feel which Dressage Stable Inge Coenen wants to spread.